Eogan Statue
The idea for a European network of oil and gas archives, was first discussed in 2008 during a meeting between the University of Aberdeen and the National Archives of Norway, Stavanger regional office. The two institutions had, including the Norwegian Petroleum Museum, already worked closely together on the Cultural Heritage Frigg project (Frigg was a gas field operated by Total in the North Sea that spanned both the Norwegian and British sectors). During our work we realized that it would be a great benefit to have a forum where ideas and knowledge could be exchanged. The oil and gas business is highly international. Companies have subsidiaries in various nations. To create a network of people throughout Europe engaged in records management, archives and research linked to the oil and gas industry, would in our mind create new possibilities both in retaining and researching oil and gas archives
It was decided that the National Archives of Norway, Stavanger region should invite interested institutions to meet in Stavanger autumn 2009. The European Oil and Gas Archives Network (EOGAN) meeting was held in October and brought together participants from several countries. It was agreed to meet annually in May / June and decided to organize the next meeting in spring 2011. This meeting too, was held in Stavanger, this time together with the European network for oil museums. It was a great success and we agreed to keep both organizations informed abouteach other's activities.
ENI hosted the 2012 EOGAN conference in Rome. At this meeting statues for the organization was established and a board elected for the following three years. The board members were: Torkel Thime (president) from the National Archives of Norway, Siobhan Convery from the University of Aberdeen, Mattia Voltaggio from ENI and Elisabetta Bini from the University of Rome. A new website was established with Marta Musso as editor. It was further decided that both institutions and individuals could be members.
The 2013 conference was held in Aberdeen, hosted by the University of Aberdeen and Capturing the Energy. This year (2014) the EOGAN conference was hosted by the Rotterdam Maritime Museum with 40 participants from nine different countries. The participants represents oil and gas companies, state agencies, universities, museums and archival institutions - all with a special interest in our oil and gas history. This mixture of records creators, curators, archivists and researchers is the very essence of Eogan. Our work varies, but are nevertheless part of a value chain in which all play a crucial role. Together we can ensure a rich source material and create new knowledge about the oil and gas industry.