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Carolina Lussana - President

Carolina Lussana is a business historian with a focus on managerial chronicles, entrepreneurial ventures, and industrial associations. She carried out research on oral history and small business at Centro per la Cultura d’Impresa (Milano). Has been professor assistant of Business history at LIUC university of Castellanza (Varese), and the University of Bergamo. Currently, she serves as a professor at the University
of Padua, contributing to the Erasmus Mundus Master – Course: “Business archives and industrial heritage“. She is member of the Ateneo Scienze Lettere e Arti di Bergamo, board’s member of AIPAI – Associazione Italiana per il Patrimonio Industriale, Vice President of Museimpresa, which champions the preservation of Italian industrial archives and museums. Since 1997, Lussana has created Fondazione Dalmine, now serving as its Vice President, and has held the position of Historical Archive Director at the Techint Group since the same year.


Marta Musso - Communication Officer

Marta Musso is a researcher on energy governance and energy history. She holds a PhD in international economic history from the University of Cambridge with a thesis on the development of the Algerian oil industry and its economic relations with Europe. She works on the history of the oil industry, European energy policies, decolonisation and development, energy transitions. She also has an interest in digital and public history and she is Research & Communication Officer for Archives Portal Europe (, the online repository of the European archival heritage.



Fabrizio Trisoglio - Communication Officer

Fabrizio Trisoglio is Scientific Director of Fondazione AEM and AEMuseum curator. Historian, researcher in Industrial Heritage and Corporate Archives, he works also with other institutions: Politecnico di Milano (on History of Universities and History of Electric Industrialization) and AEIT. President of Rete Fotografia and member of the Board of Museimpresa, Trisoglio is author of exhibitions, essays and books on Industrial Heritage and on the history of AEM of Milan.


Clotilde Cucchi-Vignier - Representative of Corporate Archives

Head of the Archives and Records Management Department -TotalEnergies (FR).
A corporate archivist, Clotilde Cucchi-Vignier has been with TotalEnergies since 2008, and is Head of Archives and Records Management at the Information, Intelligence and Archiving Division.


Sara Vian - Representative of Corporate Archives

Sara Vian, Archivist Historical Archives ENI










Marianne Hansen - Representative for Museums and Cultural institutions

Marianne M. Hansen is Archive Manager at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS). She is educated as a librarian from the Royal School of Library and Information Science (RSLIS) Aalborg branch in 1987. GEUS is the national data bank for geological data in Denmark. Since 2002 she is in charge of the Subsurface Archive – primarily the storage of oil and gas related data submitted to the survey but the Archive also manages the storage and sale of GEUS’ various reports, publications and maps.


Trude Meland - Representative of Museums, and Cultural Institutions

Trude Meland is a historian and researcher at the Norwegian Petroleum Museum. She has a master in social science from the University of Bergen (1998) and worked at Bergen City Archives and at the University of Bergen. Since 2000 she has been with the Norwegian Petroleum Museum. During these years, she has been involved with five Industrial Heritage Projects – Ekofisk, Frigg, Statfjord, Valhall and Draugen. She is now project manager for the documentation project Industrial Heritage Draugen.


Radouan Andrea Mounecif - Representative of Museums, and Cultural Institutions

Radouan Andrea Mounecif, Archivist at Total Historical Archives and Phd candidate in history at Sorbonne University. Graduated MA in History and Social Sciences, he studied at Università degli Studi di Padova, Université Paris 8 and Holy Spirit University of Kaslik in Lebanon before continuing his specialization in Archival and Record Management.  He worked in public and private historical archives being in charge of the archival processing and the valorization of different collections on contemporary history. His main area of research interest is related to colonial and post-colonial economic history with a particular emphasis on social history of energy industry and sociology of work


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Kolya Abramsky - Representative for Researches

Kolya Abramsky is a UK-based archivist and records manager consultant, with a special interest in energy archives and records. He has been involved with EOGAN since 2018. He is currently engaged in a global initiative to explore possibilities of archiving the emerging wind energy sector, together with the Mills Archive Trust in the UK and the Germany-based World Wind Energy Association, a process which he initiated, and through this serves as Special Advisor on Archives to the World Wind Energy Association. He has presented on and published on this work in various international archival fora. Previously he has had engagement with different institutions working on archives on civilian nuclear energy and on an oilworkers’ trade union. Before becoming an archivist, he spent more than 15 years as a researcher, organizer and educator on different social, political and economic aspects of the global energy sector. This included working as the International Energy Officer for the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa, being a Visiting International Scholar and Winner of Manfred-Heindler Award for Energy and Climate Change Research at the Institute of Advanced Studies in Science, Technology and Society in Graz, Austria,  initiating and co-producing an English-language website on energy in China, and editing the book: Sparking a World Wide Energy Revolution: Social Struggles in the Transition to a Post-Petrol World. He holds an MA in Archives and Records Management from the Department of Information Studies, University College London, and an MA in Historical Sociology from the State University of New York, Binghamton.


Ana Cardoso de Matos - Representative for Researches

Ana Cardoso de Matos is a professor at the University of Évora (History Department), a researcher at the Centro Interdisciplinar de Historia, Culturas et Sociedades / Universidade de Evora research centre and a member of the EDF Foundation’s Electricity and Energy History Committee since 2012.
As part of her research into utilities services (water, gas and electricity), she has published the books A electricidade em Portugal : Dos primórdios à 2ª Guerra Mundial (2004) and As imagens do Gás : As Companhias Reunidas de Gás e Electricidade e a produção e distribuição de gás em Lisboa (2005); book chapters with publishers such as Brill, Palgrave, Peter Lang, Macial Pons, Síntesis, Silex; and articles in several journals. Most recently, she was co-editor of The Gas Sector in Latin Europe’s Industrial History (Springer, 2023).

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© 2014 by Marta Musso. Sponsored by the Stavanger State Archives

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